
Thursday, September 29, 2011


Colonel Cobb's we come!!!  We were so excited to be taking our very first field trip!!  It was the first time ever riding a bus for some of us!!

We're here!!

First, we got to play the farm games!!  There was a corn silo...

 And a GIANT slide...

And a bouncy house that looked like a blue cow!!

After the farm games, it was time for the corn maze!!

 Mrs. Heather was pretty confused!
 There were questions in the maze to guide us...too bad we didn't have the answers!!

 It was really cool to see the corn up close!  We even caught a little worm sneaking out!

When we finally made it out (thanks to Mrs. Melba and then the kids for taking over :) ), it was time for the hayride!

The tractor took us to the other side of the farm where the animals were!  The farmer showed us a corn stalk and we learned that corn is grown mostly for the animals to eat.

 He also showed us the high tunnel where they would be planting strawberries soon!

 We got to see chickens...

 And watch a movie in the barn about farming in Georgia...

 And feed the goats!!

Our last activity before lunch and going home was to make a bracelet!  The presenter used to be a kindergarten teacher so she had the perfect activity to help us remember all we learned!

 Things we need to grow crops on a farm...sun (yellow bead), rain (blue bead), soil (black bead), air (clear), and green space to grow things (green bead)!  How cool!!

Thank you to our awesome chaperones!!  We appreciate you!!