
Friday, September 2, 2011

Blue Day

We wore blue...

We had our last color show and tell...

Pierre shared with us about his blue car that is actually a pencil sharpener!

 Landen W. showed us his blue Batman motorcycle that his brother picked out!

 Campbell showed us his blue Lightning McQueen car that rolls on the hard floor really fast!

Teddy showed us his blue Etch-A-Sketch toy that has magic powers!  It erases what you draw when you shake it!

 Jordan shared about his blue Transformer toy, Optimus Prime, that he has seen on television and the movies!

And we were introduced to the beloved blue "Pete the Cat"...

For those of you who may not know the story, Pete the Cat is a super cool singing cat that loves his brand new white shoes.  While walking around, he steps in strawberries, blueberries, and mud, which changes the color of his white shoes (to brown).  Then, he steps in a bucket of water that washes away the colors, but leaves him with wet shoes.  The always happy Pete the Cat never gets upset, but instead, keeps singing his song!  Such a fun story!

While reading the story, we had some friends help us tell the story by wearing colorful shoes! We also had a helper squirt everyone with water when we read the part about his wet shoes!

Pete the Cat even comes with a CD of his cool song!  So...after reading the story, we all got to dance along to this fun song!  As the song played, the helper with the matching shoes got to dance in the middle of the circle as we all copied their cool dance moves!

 After our story, we made a circle map of everything the story told us about Pete the Cat!

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