
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Oh Lovely Mud!

Since we have been talking all about pigs this week, it is only natural for us to explore mud, too!  Check us out!

We fingerpainted to make mud pits for our pigs!

We also completed a mud science experiment to find out why pigs like to roll in the mud.  Before our experiment, our class thought pigs just liked the mud because it was fun, but our test taught us something new! 

First, we made a batch of chocolate pudding to use for pretend mud.  It looks like mud and it feels like mud...we were just thankful it didn't smell like mud!

 After everyone had a serving of mud in their "test cup", we took just one finger...

 And placed it in the "mud"...

After feeling the "mud", we concluded that, since the mud felt very cold, pigs roll in the mud to cool them off on hot days!  We also came up with other words to describe how the mud felt and made this poem!

We also read this story about a woman who catches her animals (cow, pig, and duck) playing in the mud so she has to give them a bath.  Then, after she gets them all clean, they take off to the mud again!  Of course, we HAD to act this story out!  This was a good one!

A pre-reading activity...

Starring Aubree as Mrs. Wishy-Washy...

 DJ as the cow...

 And Charlie as the pig with Jeremiah as the duck!

 Mrs. Wishy-Washy catches her animals in the mud and sends them straight to the tub!

 Giving cow a bath...wishy-washy, wishy-washy!

Giving pig a bath...wishy-washy, wishy-washy!

Giving duck a bath...wishy-washy, wishy-washy!

 "Bye, Mrs. Wishy-Washy!"

 And back to the mud!!

After all that mud talk, we needed to take a bath ourselves!!  These photos are us pretending to bathe different body parts using bath poufs to the song "Splish Splash, I Was Taking a Bath!"

We washed our legs... 

Our knees...

 Our under arms :)...

And even our ears!

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