
Friday, October 14, 2011

Apple Day!

We displayed our apple glyphs!

We had an apple seed spitting contest! 

Our class went to the bus circle and took turns spitting apple seeds for a measurement activity!  We used blue (boys) and pink (girls) string to measure how far each child's seed went! Check out these awesome spitting pictures!

 Then, we came inside and compared the length of all the strings.  The strings were taped to a piece of paper and stretched out side by side on the carpet.  We looked at the boys' strings first and made a list of longest to shortest.  Next, we compared the girls' strings and made a list of shortest to longest. Our class was so kind and cheered for everyone!  You would have thought they all had the longest spit!!

Finally, it was time for our apple party!!  Unfortunately, our camera batteries died so we weren't able to take photos :(...but, this is what we had!

Thank you to Nikki for bringing apple butter!  We tasted it on crackers!

 Thank you to Landen W. for bringing apple cookies!

 Thank you to Bailey for bringing biscuits and apple jelly!
 Thank you to Aubree for bringing apple juice!
 Thank you to Teddy for bringing apples and peanut butter!
 Thank you to Bailey for bringing applesauce, too!
 Thank you to Landon G. for bringing home-made caramel apples!  Some of us were so full that we decided to take them home.  If your child did not have one in his/her bookbag, it is because they just couldn't wait and decided to eat it at school, too!
 Thank you to Colby for bringing dried apples!  This was a first for many of us!
 And, thank you to Deanna for bringing green apples!  We used them to get our apple seeds for the spitting contest and then ate the slices at the party!

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