
Monday, October 3, 2011

Animated Alphabet

These are the letters we have worked on so far.  Please encourage your child to tell you the character, what the character does, the character's letter, the character's motion, and the letter sound!  It would also be helpful to point out these letters as you see them and point out the sounds as you use them in words (i.e.  "You might want to take your umbrella to school today since it is suppose to know what sound that word starts with...what sound does umbrella start with?")

Here is a cheat sheet so you can help your child!

Polly Panda likes to paint and her letter is "P". To make her motion, pretend to paint with your hand and say the /p/ sound like in pizza!

Uncle Upton likes to hang upside-down while he umpires and his letter is "U".  To make his motion, point up in the air with one finger and say the short /u/ sound like in umbrella!

Ollie Ostrich is a doctor and he makes his patients say, "Ahhhhh!"  His letter is O and, to make his motion, you point one finger in your mouth like your throat is being checked at the doctor and make the short /o/ sound like in October!

Mimi Mermaid likes to mop and her letter is M.  To make her motion, put two fists on top of each other like you are holding a mop and move them in a circular motion.  Then, say the /m/ sound like in mom!

Please help your child stay on top of their letters and sounds!

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