
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

This week's small groups...

I decided to snap some photos during small group today since that is a big part of our day and parents don't get a chance to see what we do during that time!  Check out this week's activities below!

When it is small group time, each child checks this board to get their "ticket".  Then, they go to the area with their corresponding color.  There are two teacher-led groups and three or four independent groups each day.   Independent centers are typically related to fine-motor skills, turn taking activities, computer time, and other skills that have been introduced previously.

At the yellow independent center, students are hammering golf tees into pumpkins.  This is such awesome fine motor practice!  Students have to hold the golf tee the same way they would hold a pencil and use eye/hand coordination to hammer it in.

At the green independent center, students are drawing pictures for our "Student of the Week" book.  For each "Student of the Week", we will be drawing pictures of our friend telling them things that we like about them or why we think they are special!

 At Mrs. Melba's small group (orange), students listen to a story about how pumpkins grow.  Then, they made play-dough pumpkins and described/compared them.

The purple independent center is working on the computers.  We have been working on for the past few weeks!

The blue independent center is a turn-taking counting game this week!  The students roll a dice, count the dots, and then use tongs (for fine motor practice) to put apples (pom pom balls) in their cups.

 The pink group, Mrs. Heather's group, has been working on measuring their height with pumpkins.  Each student stands next to a stack of paper pumpkins that were taped to a shelf.  Then, we mark their height with a piece of tape and count how many pumpkins tall they were.  After comparing each other's heights, each child draws a picture showing their height in pumpkins.

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