
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Forest Animals, Week 1

During our first week studying forest animals, we learned about "Red Riding Hood" by reading several versions of the tale and comparing them.  I was so impressed with how many details we were able to recall!

We also read "The Kissing Hand" series and compared these stories.  In the first book, we met Chester the raccoon who was nervous about beginning school.  His mother gave him a special kiss in his hand that he could carry with him througout the day to remember how much she loved him.  We also learned that raccoons are nocturnal in this story so we graphed things that happen in the day and night after reading.  One small group also made a story map about the story.  Also, be on the lookout for a special surprise from your child related to this story!

And, on Friday, our class got to read Jamberry.  Unfortunately, Mrs. Heather (along with several of our classmates) was out with the stomach bug so I missed all the fun!  Mrs. Melba led our lessons for the day which included tasting different berries, graphing our favorite one, and making describing words about what we tasted.  Students were also able to make up their own silly kind of berry! 

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