
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Three Bears, Day 1

Today, we read "Goldilocks and the Three Bears"!  After reading the first version, we discussed large, medium, and small by cutting out bowls and graphing them by which bear they matched!

At large group, we read another version of the story using a big book and acted out the story!  Meet Goldilocks...

 and the three bears!
 When the bears tasted their porridge, they decided it was too hot...
 so they decided to go for a walk!
 While they were out, Goldilocks went to their house.  She tried everyone's porridge and actually ate all of Baby Bear's!
 Then, she sat in everyone's chairs...
 and even broke Baby Bear's!
 If that weren't enough, she tried out all of their beds...
 and fell asleep in Baby Bear's!
 While she was sleeping upstairs, the three bears came home and realized someone had been in their porridge...
 AND someone had broken Baby Bear's chair...
AND that someone was still in Baby Bear's bed!!
 Goldilocks was so terrified when she woke up and saw the bears standing there...
 that she ran away and never went in anyone's house uninvited again!!
 Jimmy as Papa Bear, Lexie as Mama Bear, Landon G. as Baby Bear (that was his sad face because his chair was broken...he was still in character :) ), and Deanna as Goldilocks!

During centers, we got to explore dry oatmeal in the sensory table!  Students will be able to visit this center all week using large, medium, and small measuring utensils! 

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